Yesterday afternoon, I ran over to an outrageously expensive grocery store where I used credit to buy foodstuffs for a Father's Day picnic. I was going to cook hots and hamburgs, but I couldn't find the hamburger rolls at the store. I called Dad to ask him to pick some up on his way home (the picnic was not a surprise). I had just started opening the cake mix box to begin preparation of said cake when the phone rang. The following conversation ensued:
Me: Hello?
Dad: Hey, it's Dad.
Me: Hi.
Dad: I'm just leaving the store now. I got hamburger rolls, strawberries, hamburg, sausage, shrimp, vegetables and dip, ice cream, and a peach cake.
Me: (eyeing cake mix box sadly) You got a peach cake?
Dad: Yeah, we can put the strawberries on it. Oh, and I called your grandparents. They're coming over around 5.
Well, hell. I didn't want to make the stupid cake anyway. I really just wanted to eat the frosting.
This type of behavior is typical of my dad, and I really can't resent it -- because I'm the same way. I get excited about small projects and turn them into big ones. I take over for people (who, let's face it, might be totally capable of existing without my help, but aren't they so much better off when I meddle???). And when it comes to parties, I operate under the theory that More Is Better, and buy enough to feed the Mongolian Horde (luckily, Dad didn't invite them -- grandparents are Horde a-plenty).
I decided that the best Father's Day gift I could give Daddy would be to graciously let him take over, but I already got him a gift, so instead I whined and tried to make him feel guilty about all the money I'd spent.
The evening was off to a rockin' start when my Grandma came over, put her arm around my waist, patted me on the hip, and said, "Hello, big girl. Big girl."
Yeah, hello right back to you, short, wrinkled, old person with an attitude from hell.
I should be used to her comments. She really has a problem with my weight; it embarrasses her to no end. She told me once that she loved me a lot, but she'd love me even more if I was thin. My
grandmother, people. I mean, isn't she supposed to be giving me t-shirts that say, "Grandma spoils me rotten" and stuff?
But the really interesting thing happened later, and since it's the point of this whole post, I will quit my bitching and cut to the chase. Mom, Gram, and I were sitting on the couch, and we were talking about pregnancy. As it turns out, Gram had the same complications I'm having, and she shared a little of what she experienced. That part was nice.
Maybe it's karma.