Friday, February 17, 2006


I've been tagged to do the Four Things Meme, and now I am compelled to give you startling insights into the truth of TRants. Can you handle the truth, Blogland? If you can't, blame my tagger, Ms. Potts.

The Four things Meme
Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Telemarketer
2. Camp Counselor
3. Hot Dog Packer (no, that has nothing to do with pornography)
4. Deli girl at a mini-mart

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
1. Labyrinth (but not with Harmony, apparently)
2. The Princess Bride
3. Airplane (and don't call me Shirley)
4. Lord of the Rings

Four TV Shows I Watch:
1. Project Runway (sad, I know)
2. Repeats of Buffy
3. Jeopardy
4. The Tractor Show (but not by choice!)

Four Places I've Been On Vacation
1. London, England
2. Savannah, Georgia
3. Boston, MA
4. Louisville, KY

Four Favorite Dishes
1. Steak -- bloody
2. Battered fish with chips
3. Michigans and poutine
4. Chimichangas

Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. Ms. Cindy's site
2. Chris Wooding's writing journal
3. avaloblog, and I'm disappointed every time! I wish she'd write once in a while!
4. Neil's writing journal (it's a ritual for me -- only without the prayer rug)

Four Places I'd Rather Be
1. In that little crook of Scholar's shoulder
2. In that little crook of Scholar's shoulder
3. In that little crook of Scholar's shoulder
4. In that little crook of Scholar's shoulder
*there is no place else I'd rather be, but I'd let him up once in a while to shower and shave and stuff

Four Books I couldn't live without:
1. To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee
2. Watership Down, Richard Adams
3. Momo, Michael Ende
4. *as yet untitled, "Trants"

Four Blogs I'm Tagging:
I don't have any friends to tag...sigh. Oh wait, I tag Cindy back! You have to do it again -- ha ha!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I'm sorry I've been away from the Blogosphere, kids, but I have a compelling reason: I'm damn tired. I don't want to give a lot of details -- one never knows who will stumble onto a painfully honest blog like mine. Suffice it to say that there's been work. A lot of unexpected, unrecompensed work. The kind that one can't really refuse, even when common sense dictates otherwise.

So I've been working. It's fun, this teaching thing, and I love the kids. The real work I'm doing is for them, and so it's worth every bead of sweat. I know it's going to be hard to leave this school, and I'm hoping that the extra work I'm doing will win me an opportunity to stay.

Wish me luck, blog friends. That is, if you can remember who I am...