Notes to Rider

Rider is very busy right now, and has not got the time or the energy for extended communication with me. I am using my blog for the very pedestrian purpose of letting her know how much I miss her. I was standing in the kitchen the other day, looking out at the flaming yellows and reds of our woods, and I got to thinking about her. The leaves aren't changing where she is -- I'm not even sure she can see trees. I will send her a picture of our glorious fall colors now that I've figured out how to upload images. I will also send pictures of her dogs, but until then, she will have to make do with a picture of my dog. Here's the Beag, Rider. Isn't she a cutie???
I miss you, sis.
Hello Trants. I haven't forgotten you, I promise! They have me working a crazy shift and I've been feeling very cruddy lately. But that's no excuse. Rider is very sorry!!
What cute killer puppies rider has! Someone needs to teach me how to upload images, so I can bore the world to death with my adorable kinders...not that I'm hinting here, or anything.
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