Saturday, December 18, 2004

So glad I didn't waste the buck

I bought a VHS tape for $1 at the grocery store, with the intention of taping the Earthsea mini-series. I thought it might be something for sis and I to enjoy when she gets home. But I missed the first twenty minutes and ultimately decided that I'd catch it when they re-aired it (which they will, I'm sure, again and again and again).

Now, as it turns out, I won't bother. Seems the mini-series was crap, the noble LeGuin is ticked off, and I saved myself a buck for a better purpose. Sigh.

Here's the link to LeGuin's comments: and further ranting here:

I know I don't have anything to worry about at this point, seeing as how not even one chapter of my book is written, but I just want to go on record saying that I won't pimp my baby. No way, no how.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so glad you found this out, because i was going to call you and tell you and I didn't, and ever since, I've been struggling with huge, monumental earth shattering guilt.

Sort of the type you must be feeling for not calling me for days and days and days...

Just opened up a box of *subtlety* for xmas!

9:43 AM  

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