Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Snow in Siberia

A light dusting of snow has covered all the houses, trees, cars... and the foot or so of mud we've already got going on here. When I was researching my book, I came across some information about Siberia and the way the permafrost thaws just slightly in the spring, giving rise to some serious mud (as opposed to the comic kind). I now understand of what the guidebook speaketh.

Apparently there are some man-sized mosquitoes over there as well -- the kind that carry you off before they suck the life-force out of you. I'd be interested to know if we have anything similar here. (I'm playing straight man for you, Cin. Don't let me down).


Blogger Unknown said...

Why waste life-force sucking on a straight man? They don't really appreciate it, you know ;)

Glad to see you're not dead of ear infection. And what's with all this winter rhapsody? Snow is how nature says "Stay inside you morons it's cold!" We don't like winter, we like drinking hot buttered rum whilst reading novels under a snuggly blanket. DOn't you people read the memos I send out?

I'm off to take pics and write some absolutely perverted things. Then tonight, xmas shopping. Toys and toys...could life get any better?

9:59 AM  
Blogger Avalo said...

MMM...hot buttered rum - never had it, but sounds good. Myself, I need to work up an appetite for snuggling with the book by first tramping about in the snow for a bit. Not having it for a bit, or having its opposite first, and then having IT, whatever it is, seems to make it more enjoyable for me. Or maybe I just need the balance. For sure I'd love nothing better than to snuggle and read all day, but I've got thighs to maintain. (Not that any of us has the time to snuggle and read all day! That's one version of the numbered heavens. It's made all of fabulous beds - canopied and downy - each with a stack of books beside that happen to have in the pages whatever kind of book you happen to want to read, and the story goes on in absolute perfection until you want it to stop.)

10:40 AM  

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